The processing of personal data within this website complies with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data(GDPR), Law nº. 58/2019 of 8 of August (PDPL) and other applicable data protection legislation.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy (“Policy”), “Lifthium” or “We”, “Us”, “Our” shall refer collectively to Lifthium Energy, S.A. and any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries, affiliated entities, or successors, including, without limitation:
- Lifthium Capital Sarl, a company incorporated in Luxembourg,
- Lifthium Energy Cantabria, S.A., a company incorporated in Spain,
- Lift One, S.A., a company incorporated in Portugal and
- Lift One Capital SGPS, S.A., a company incorporated in Portugal.
For the purposes of this Policy, “you”, “your”, “yours” refers to any individual who accesses, browses, or otherwise interacts with our website, submits personal data through online forms or other means, subscribes to our communications, or engages with Lifthium entities in a manner that involves the processing of personal data. This includes but is not limited to customers, prospective customers, website visitors, job applicants, and individuals making inquiries or requests for information.
By providing your personal data through this Website, you understand that it may be processed by one or more entities within Lifthium depending on the nature of your inquiry or request. Where local data protection laws require it, additional or separate privacy notices may be issued.
¿Quién es el responsable del tratamiento de datos?
1. Data collected in the contact form or other means of contact: LIFTHIUM ENERGY, S.A, with registered office at The Tower, Rua do Silval, 37, 2º piso, 2780-3073 Oeiras, Portugal, registered with the commercial registry under number 517 544768.
2. Data collected through other contact means: LIFTHIUM ENERGY, S.A.
3. Data collected by newsletter subscription: LIFTHIUM ENERGY, S.A.
¿Cuál es la finalidad y la base de legitimación para el tratamiento de sus datos?
1. Management of requests for information, questions, queries, suggestions, or complaints raised through the contact form and other means of contact. We may process your data because we have a legitimate interest in addressing the communications necessary to carry out our activity.
2. Management of the newsletter subscription: we process your data to promote and publicize our activity because you have given us your consent.
¿Durante cuánto tiempo se conservarán sus datos?
Your data will be kept for the time necessary to achieve the stated purposes and for the longest statute of limitations in accordance with applicable law.
In particular, we apply the following guidelines:
· Contact Form Data: Typically retained for up to 1 year after the resolution of your request or as needed for business documentation requirements.
· Newsletter Subscribers: Retained until you opt out or withdraw your consent, plus a brief grace period to ensure all systems are updated.
· Statutory Requirements: We may retain data beyond these periods if legally obligated (e.g., statutory limitation periods, regulatory compliance).
¿A quién se comunicarán sus datos?
In certain cases, your personal data may be shared with other entities within the Lifthium Group to manage your inquiries, coordinate service delivery, or streamline internal operations. Where we do so, all group entities adhere to this Policy and applicable data protection laws. If you have concerns about which entity processes your personal data, you may contact us at the address indicated in the “How Can You Exercise Your Rights?” section of this Policy.
To whom will your data be communicated?
4.1 Data of persons who contact us through the contact form: on the grounds of legitimate interest, consistent with the exercise of business activity, LIFTHIUM ENERGY, S.A.
4.2 Data of persons contacting us through other means of contact and data of the persons subscribing the newsletter. Your data will not be transferred to third parties.
4.3 In the above cases your data will be communicated to our processors when this is necessary for the correct provision of the services provided
Will your data be transferred to third countries?
1. In case of newsletter subscription, when using the MailChimp platform to send communications, there may be an international transfer of your data to the US or any other country in which its subprocessors maintain operations. In accordance with the Data Processing Addendum to the MailChimp platform, data transfers outside the European Economic Area will be carried out in compliance with applicable data protection legislation, through standard contractual clauses or alternative transfer solutions. For further information:
¿Qué derechos tiene cuando nos proporciona sus datos?
- Acceso: derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si estamos procesando sus datos personales, a saber qué son, para qué se utilizan, cuánto tiempo se almacenarán, su origen y si se han comunicado o se comunicarán a un tercero.
- Rectificación: derecho a solicitar la rectificación de los datos inexactos y la cumplimentación de los datos personales incompletos.
- Eliminación: el derecho a solicitar la eliminación de los datos personales cuando sean inadecuados, excesivos o ya no sean necesarios para los fines para los que fueron recopilados, incluido el derecho al olvido, siempre que se cumplan los requisitos legales para ejercer este derecho.
- Oposición: derecho a oponerse, en determinadas circunstancias, al procesamiento de sus datos personales o a solicitar que se detenga el procesamiento, siempre que se cumplan los requisitos legales para ejercer este derecho.
- Limitación del tratamiento: derecho a solicitar, en las circunstancias legalmente establecidas, que no se traten sus datos más allá de la mera conservación.
- Portabilidad: el derecho a recibir datos personales en un formato estructurado, de uso común y legible por máquina, y a poder transmitirlos a otro controlador de datos, siempre que sea técnicamente posible y esté legalmente previsto.
- Derecho a retirar el consentimiento: puede retirar su consentimiento en cualquier momento, pero si lo retira, las operaciones de procesamiento de datos realizadas anteriormente seguirán siendo válidas.
¿Cómo puede ejercer sus derechos?
El ejercicio de los derechos debe hacerse por escrito y dirigirse a Lagoas Park, Edifício 6, 2º B, 2740244, Porto Salvo, Portugal (Att: Data Protection Team — «Equipa de Proteção de Dados») o por correo electrónico a Ponemos a disposición de los interesados formularios modelo para el ejercicio de sus derechos, que pueden obtenerse en la dirección o el correo electrónico indicados anteriormente.
¿Tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad supervisora?
En caso de que no se hayan respetado los derechos del interesado, puede presentar una queja por escrito ante la Agencia Portuguesa de Protección de Datos («Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados»). Para más información: